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24 February, 2021
  • Lucia Stewart

Latest Comment...

I agree, this is an awesome idea. Perhaps we should have a separate album in our portfolio's exclusively for tradable items.

28 December, 2020
  • Broken Canyon Art & Photography
  • 28 Dec 2020

Original Post: Note to All ArtWanted Members

I'm not sure if this would be considered a violation of artwanted terms, but Jack Faragasso and my self have agreed to trade images or prints with each other. because times are tight at the moment and art isn't being purchased through this site and many other sites, Jack and I have thought about just trading art for art. if this is something you would like to get involved in, contact me directly though my profile. if you see something within my portfolio, add a comment within the section below the image with a link to your images or art. If a deal is made, I will send a single large size print of the image you've selected in a protective shipping tube. I suspect maybe at some point we should name our endeavor: "Image Barter Network" Let me know your feeling on image bartering.