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01 June, 2019
  • Barbra Drasby

Latest Comment...

Great discussion! I like using blogs as an art journal of sorts. What I like about blogs is I can add text, audio, video and images. The posts are automatically dated. I can even add a carousel using a programs such as Google Slides to display a rotating presentation from the beginning to the end of the process.

24 May, 2019
  • Rick Corbett
  • 24 May 2019

Original Post: Work in Progress Images


I am a self taught artist, I learn most by lots and lots of practice, trial and error, and by watching other artists. As I create my work, I like to take lots of work in progress pics. I was wondering if it would be alright if I create a Work in Progress Album on my portfolio page and post my Work in Progress images with a description of my technique and processes as I go along. I am currently working on a new portrait and have started taking work in progress pics that I would love to post and share but am not sure if it's allowed? I don't see too many work in progress images on ArtWanted which is why I'm asking if it is alright or should I just post the finished drawing when it's complete.