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04 August, 2018
  • Nira Dabush

Latest Comment...

Anneke.. I did not join FAA... time...AND.. Well they need to make money, I guess.. not really think of us artists.. At some sites they charge no money and give full services to all the artists. What do you say of the limitation of 5 replies in forums at AW.. ?.. I Guess this is why the forums, changed completely... not traffic of people, or replies as was.. people moved from here.. To think that I am a paying member ( 14 years), and usually don't visit AW, forums and I wish to reply.. or post more.. I don't like the fact of what they did. I still remember so well the forums here when I joined.. and later on 2005... 2006... 2007... BUT WHO I AM ?... Nira Dabush.

11 July, 2018
  • Nira Dabush
  • 11 Jul 2018

Original Post: Dedicated to the Past

Selection of People Portraits from the past, that I made, with my gratitude then to some of my friends.

The Past... a time, privacy was much respected, in a way I could ,make these portraits to each without spy, but in a perfect safety.

A time of life, when mails were safe and totally private to correspond.... Enjoy photography, without anyone invade private personal computers homes, or mails.

A time, which give the ability to make better friendships.

Internet. designed also to make more connections, which meant to be safe.

In realty, it's time to arrange back this basic ability of being private, at my place, your place, in order the bring back the ability to enjoy friendships, or creativity and surely WORK SAFELY without any spy..

What is meant for my eYeS only, my eyes only see.

Thanks for visiting.

Happy Safety to all, including myself and mine.

Thanks in advance for respecting my private life. I truly appreciate it.

Copyrights (c) NIra Dabush.