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13 April, 2018
  • Staff

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Sara - Not all members of ArtWanted have a portfolio. Many of them simply like art and use ArtWanted to look at art and follow other artists, so not having a portfolio is not uncommon. We show the "Artist Not Found" message if the artist does not have a public portfolio page.

As for your followers, these could be real people that are following your artwork, but they could also be fake/spam accounts that someone has created. We don't have any clue why someone would create a fake account and then follow other artists, but it is possible, but it doesn't hurt you at all.

We can remove these followers if you wish as well. Just let us know.

08 April, 2018
  • Sara Buckman
  • 08 Apr 2018
  • 1 Comment

Original Post: Artist not found

Hello. I was just looking through my followers and wanting to see their portfolios but when I clicked on their names, it says artist not found. Is it possible these are fake accounts and if so, why would the need to do that?