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02 April, 2018
  • Staff

Latest Comment...

Marie-Claire - You can still select which images go into groups at the time of upload. After you upload your image, simply click on the GROUPS / WATERMARK tab, which shows you all of the groups you belong to and you can check the checkbox for the groups you want to add that image to.

Joanie - We would like to better understand that upload issues you are having with the new site. Since we changed the format, we have had more artists and more artwork uploaded than the previous version of the site. Are you getting errors uploading on the new format? Any title/description can be edited after upload by changing the title. Again, are you getting errors trying to change the artwork title/description? Could you explain what you are seeing and submit screen shots if possible, so we can try to correct the issues you are seeing? Thank You.

31 March, 2018
  • marie-claire gallet
  • 31 Mar 2018

Original Post: GROUPS

Hello ! It was really easy to dispatch our pictures to different groups on the previous version. We just had to do that directly when uploading an image. I would be very grateful if you could go back to this. AW is very very low and we lose much time to go search !!! Thank you in advance for your kind reply ! Kindest regards, Marie-Claire Gallet