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19 January, 2018
  • Jerry Coppo

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video clips are nice and they are abundant on youtube. most of them, however, are simply artists showing their work and not offering much in the way of help. Many of the videos labeled 'tutorials' are only partial clips, and then they want you to subscribe for a fee to see more. live broadcasts, on the other hand, allow viewers to interact, ask questions in real time, and the artist can respond immediately and explain what they are doing. for example, Twitch is a venue exclusively for gamers to broadcast live and talk with their viewers, and the viewers get to ask questions and learn tips and tricks while the broadcaster shows their skills. I would like to see something similar, exclusively for artists to do the same.

08 January, 2018
  • Jerry Coppo
  • 08 Jan 2018


I think i can speak for many of us that it would be nice to live stream while drawing/painting and get to chat with, and inspire other artists in real time. I know that when I watch someone draw, i want to draw. The problem is that the most popular live stream platforms (youtube, younow, twitch, etc..) are so full of youngsters who have really no interest in anything but video games and pop music, that it's extremely difficult to get genuinely interested viewers. But if there was a platform exclusively for artists, i believe it would be greatly appreciated and would eliminate the discouragement of not reaching those who are really looking for inspiration and help learning techniques. I'm not even sure if Artwanted is even capable of such an endeavor, but I don't think such a platform exists yet, so it might be something to explore!