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29 March, 2023
  • Staff

Latest Comment...

This idea has reached 100 points, so we will comment on this idea.

First, thanks for the idea and to those that voted on it. Yes, this change would not be too hard to do, so it's something that we will give to our development team to start working on. We will let everyone know when this feature is available.

09 December, 2017
  • Ranefox
  • 09 Dec 2017

Original Post: Direct replies to commenters

We can edit or delete our own comments, yet, we cannot hit a 'reply' button on a person's own comment.

Why is that?

Sometimes, we can answer the question asked, or provide another source, yet the only way to reply is the main board reply...

It would be a simple code adjustment to add that option, would it not?

Anybody else want this option?