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04 December, 2017
  • Staff

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Ginger -

If you are being blocked from sending an e-mail, please send a copy of the exact subject and body of the e-mail to our staff in a support ticket and we will investigate it. If you are sending lots of e-mails each day to members, you may be getting blocked, because of your volume. Normally this is a sign of a spammer, so we block that from happening.

The "Emails Sent" statistic refers to the number of e-mails sent to you since we started tracking this, which is the correct number. It is NOT the number of e-mails that you sent to others. You can view your EMAIL ARCHIVES in your members area to see both the e-mails you have sent as well as the emails you have received. Here is that link:

03 December, 2017
  • Ginger Olansen
  • 03 Dec 2017
  • 1 Comment

Original Post: Blocked sending another email

I was blocked sending another email using the contact email on the portfolio section of David Ronce and his titles are numbered like 5015,5016, etc, so I referred to it because that is his title! Here is what I wrote:

Subject: I like your header Message: pink and grey is so popular! Number 5016 was excellent today! Great job!

I don't see what the spam filter here is all about.

Besides the errors. I am writing from contacts because I never get a count on emails sent in the statistics. If you do not count them from sending an email from the feeback page then you must count them from email from the portfolio contact page? My emails sent, total 6 for the whole year! I send at least 11-20 emails a day, there must be something wrong! Why aren't both email areas counted? It is not email sent to me because I get at least 20 a day from AW friends! Can you please explain how emails are counted for the statistics?