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13 October, 2018
  • Scott DuBar

Latest Comment...

This is such a great idea!

11 November, 2017
  • Staff
  • 11 Nov 2017

Original Post: Introducing Bounce Site! has created a new sister website to solve a challenge we have seen with our creative members who use multiple websites to promote their work.

The new website is called Bounce Site, and here's why we created it...


    Most artists/photographers have multiple websites to showcase their work on, because each website offers different features and audience. Between your personal website, your social media websites, your community portfolios (like ArtWanted) and your product store websites, you have many places to see your artwork. These websites are normally very disconnected and rarely does a fan know of each of them.

    It's challenging, tacky and confusing to list a handful of websites on your business card, voice mail or e-mail signature when promoting your work. Also, many apps/websites (like Instagram) only allow you to link to ONE website, which leaves all your other websites unknown to your followers. What can an artist do?


    You need a single website that promotes and links to ALL of the websites that feature your artwork. A website URL that is easy to remember and simple to share with others. A website that is simple to update and to add/remove links on. A website that is free for life and is always updated with the latest place to see your artwork. This solution has just been created and we want you to participate.
    The solution is Bounce Site!

This new web site helps creative people link all of their various websites and social media pages together. This will improve fan experience and lead to more traffic and potential art sales. This new website is also free to all ArtWanted members!

Click the link below to learn more about Bounce Site or sign-up to get your own personal Bounce Site for free. As an ArtWanted member, we will automatically import your ArtWanted portfolio and official website link when you create your Bounce Site.
