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19 December, 2003
  • Staff
  • 19 Dec 2003

Original Post: Image Rating Survey Posted

Yes, the day is finally here...the member survey for image rating policies has been completed and posted in your members area. You can also view it here:

Image Rating Survey

This survey will gather opinions from our members about our rating system and how it can be improved.

We will collect votes up until midnight on Dec. 31st, then we will start making changes to the website based on the masses. You can still submit the survey after this date, but your opinion is needed sooner than later.

If there is a question with a split audience within 10%, then we will wait a bit longer to make changes to the site.

Please take the time to fill out this survey, no matter what your opinion is on the rating system. We need to hear from you.

Power to the People! :-)