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24 March, 2018
  • Rex Woodmore

Latest Comment...

I am extremely late in replying. However others may be interested. COPYRIGHT & ROYALTIES (In Australia) ?1. Even after the initial painting is sold, the original artist retains the right to copy & to sell copies of their artwork. 2. As of the 9th of June 2010 visual artists, their nominees or their heirs, are entitled to 5% of the price of their works resold for more than $1000.

I have a heap of info regarding copyright on my website page:

04 May, 2005
  • Jay Amatangelo
  • 04 May 2005

Original Post: An ethical question about selling prints...

Let me explain my situation. I have a show coming up on May 13th. (if anyone is in Erie PA and wants to come, shoot me an email. Id love to meet some of you guys) I'm in the process of getting some prints made up. The pieces I'm getting printed are also going to up in the show. The prints won't be done till after the show. What do you do if you sell an original and then get prints? Is it considered unethical to sell prints after the original is sold? Should you tell the new owner there are prints and I plan on selling them? If anyone has any insight on this issue, please help!