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17 January, 2005
  • Juan Gomez

Latest Comment...

Thanks Guys...I'm just hanging in there and sticking to your rules..lots to manage over-there..will hold the fort untill those changes are made..Thank you much again for all of your hard work and concerns over our issues with warm regards and respect Juan Gomez...

16 January, 2005
  • Juan Gomez
  • 16 Jan 2005

Original Post: IMAGE-LESS TOPICS... Art Critiques Area..

Man this is becoming an old issue GUYS...Andy and staff at can an amendment be made? there a few out there who don't post images while posting topics...even some who post many images and not a lick of comments to others..can name a few..not going there..any way these giude-lines are an option???? or can a solid solution be made?? any one have any ideas?? that would make those rules different, in a reasonable manner??