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22 January, 2005
  • sher richardson

Latest Comment...

Yes Mark,

i saw that comment today, i believe on a beautiful very red filagreed fractal... And i thought to myself... 'self...if the idiot doesnt comment on digital art beacause he may not like it, WHY THE FUDGE IS HE SOUNDING LIKE A BOOB AND RATING IT ???'...whew... that felt good.. : )

08 January, 2005
  • Mark Peterson
  • 08 Jan 2005

Original Post: Why The Downer On Digital?

I have been seeing a lot of comments about digital lately&.such as&.I normally dont comment on digital&.or &.I thought this was real&.etc. So I have a question for all the real artist of the world. What is it about digital work you do not like? Some of the most beautiful work Ive seen is digital, both compelling and visually stunning to the eye. Some really poor conceived works of art have been turned into master works with the computer yet it is thought to be less appealing by many artist starting with a blank canvas and brush. Why the downer on digital? Sometimes to come up with a good piece it takes many many hours and even days to accomplish work that is exceptable in the art world.

The computer is a different kind of canvas, and it will only do what you tell it to do. Knowledge, creativity and a great amount of detail work comes from the mouse and your hand becoming one. This does not happen over night as anyone who does this kind of work can tell you the frustrations that accumalate. The magic only happens when the creator creates and everyone has a nitch. Some do best with the pencil, some do best with paint, and some do best with the computer. Some are even skilled enough to do well with all. I am a digital artist by choice who appreciates all forms of art regardless of the media involved because no matter HOW we create the end result is born from our creativity and ability to apply this to a pleasing and visually acceptable form. I have taken a lot of criticism along with others for not being a true artist and I think it is unreasonable for anyone to judge whether they like a piece based on media involved. Personal taste is understandable and I both respect it and value it because I can learn from every media even though my choice is digital. I agree that not all digital is good and a lot of what I have seen here in AW is quickly thrown together and just plain sloppy, this gives digital art a bad name and unworthy disrespect by many. I use to draw and I use to paint so I appreciate the challenges these mediums bring about. But I found FUN with digital and thats what art is all about&. the enjoyment of creation to enlighten the senses. And is it not true we do this in anyway possible to bring pleasure to our everyday stressful lives.

Every since the computer critism has been wide spread against the digital artist yet it is used to create everywhere you look. Especially television and games&.a technology that has enhanced our society in many positive ways. Raw talent, a canvas, and a brush is to be respected and appreciated and digital art deserves the same credit. Although a debatable topic for years I feel digital artwork coming closer to the top of the latter as a respected media. Why the downer on digital?