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11 January, 2005
  • Jane McIlroy

Latest Comment...

And "There are more things in Heaven and Earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy" (William Shakespeare).

All the same, if Shakespeare had portrayed the ghost of Hamlet's father floating round the battlements in a bubble, it wouldn't have had the same effect!

07 January, 2005
  • Jane McIlroy
  • 07 Jan 2005

Original Post: Orbs explained??

The other day I saw a thread on one of the AW boards on the subject of "orbs" in photographs. By the time I dug out this snapshot to post in a reply, I couldn't find the original thread again!

This is an original photograph, taken without flash and without any kind of retouching or digital work. The so-called "orbs" in the picture were not visible to the naked eye when I took the photo.

My explanation is that the elephants were snuffling and waving their trunks around (as elephants do), so the air must have been full of drops of water vapour that reflected the light and got caught on camera.

I took a couple more snaps of the elephants and both have "orbs", but they don't appear in any of the rest of my circus photos.

Come to think of it, it adds a rather interesting effect...