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11 January, 2004
  • Staff

Latest Comment...

We would suggest FLORALS for your artwork over still life.

What you have to do when your artwork could go in several categories is put yourself in the mind of the buyer or internet surfer. If I was looking for a picture of flowers and I was faced with either a florals or still life category, I would first look through the florals. If I didn't find what I was looking for, then I would go to the still life, because I know that the still life category would contain many more sujects then just florals.

The bowl of fruit would be best in the "food/beverage" subject, because this is more specific to the subject you have painted.

You can always add 'still life' to your keywords so that if someone searches for still life, your artwork will still show up.

Just pick the best category that you think someone would look in first to find your artwork and you can't go wrong.

11 January, 2004
  • Staff
  • 11 Jan 2004

Original Post: Image Category Re-Structure

Today we looked over how our images were broken down by subject, media and style and did a revision on how everyone categorizes their images on - We have been compiling your suggestions and read your message board posts and here is an overview of what we have done.


This revision was a tricky process. There is a fine line between having too many categories and not enough. From looking at other art sites and the artwork within our site, we feel that we have come up with a good number of categories to choose from. We know that not all art on this site will fit into a specific category, but if this is the case for your style, you should be able to find one that is pretty close. If you want to categorize your images even further, then just add this classification to your keywords.

We ask that everyone visit their MANAGE PORTFOLIO page and see if any of your images need to be reclassified to better fit the new structure. This will help you get additional traffic to your portfolio, because people use these fields to search for art on our website.


First off, we have removed the image 'Style' list from our website. We have found that very few people search by a specific style and many artists don't know what 'style' they create in. So, we have dropped it to make our site easier to use. If you do have a specific style, then you can put this in your keywords for the image.


We have renamed the 'category' to 'subject', because it's more fitting. We have also removed a few subjects that were not very popular and have added several more. Here is a list of what we have added:

  • Abstract
  • Fantasy/Mythical
  • Holidays/Seasonal
  • Movies/Music/TV
  • Nature/Wildlife
  • Places/Events
  • Sci-Fi/Space
  • Transportation
  • Underwater/Sea Life
  • World Culture

    We have also split the 'Sci-Fi/Fantasy' subject into two separate subjects, which should have been done a long time ago. If you have any art in this category, please go back and decide whether it is Sci-Fi or Fantasy and put it in the appropriate category.


    We have chopped our list of 'media types' in half and the list looks much cleaner now. We removed several media types that were unpopular and merged several similar types into one. We also added 'Stained Glass' to the list of media types.

    The biggest note we have for this is that if you created your artwork on a computer, select 'Computer' for the Media Type, because media really only applies to traditional artists.


    If you feel that we missed an important category in this revision, please send us an e-mail about it. We will perform a search to see how many pieces of art on our site would fall within your suggested category. If there is a lot of artwork and we feel it's a smart move, then we will add it to the list.