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09 May, 2023
  • Staff
  • 09 May 2023

Original Post: ArtWanted Image Backup Feature

At least monthly we get an e-mail from a member that has had a recent computer hard drive crash and they have lost some (or all) of their original artwork files. They desperately reach out to us hoping that we have backup copies of their artwork files. It’s a sad story that we see too often. Computer hard drives can crash at anytime and ArtWanted has an image backup feature that may help you in the future.

All ArtWanted members can download a backup copy of their online portfolio images from our DOWNLOAD IMAGES page in the MANAGE PORTFOLIO section. These images are at a standard resolution, normally 750 pixels wide/tall.

For those members that want a little extra piece of mind, we also offer high-resolution file backups as part of our low-cost Premium Membership. As a Premium Member we will store the original HD files you upload to ArtWanted. You can download these high-resolution backups at anytime in case of hard drive crash, damaged/corrupted hard drive, failed backup system, stolen computer or any other reason that you might need these backup files. Follow this link to learn more about our Premium Membership.

To download your artwork file backups at anytime, visit your Download Images page inside your member's Control Panel.

We encourage all artists to have multiple backup systems in place for their original artwork files. ArtWanted can be one of those systems to give you peace-of-mind to know your files are safe and secure when you need them most.