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18 March, 2021
  • Mark A. Lembo

Latest Comment...

happy to discuss at any time. MAL

27 February, 2021
  • Brian Wolfgang Becker
  • 27 Feb 2021

Original Post: The Active Marketing Of Visual Art

Over the past couple weeks since I joined, I have spent some time exploring other artists work from around the globe. We all live in different parts of the world but are all in one common place because of and our membership. It's wonderful to be on a site and in the company of so many talented visual artists. I imagine some people have been extremely successful over the years creating and selling their art work through more conventional methods like art galleries, indoor and outdoor markets, direct sales or through commissioned works by various commercial interests or individuals. I would be very interested in knowing how effective online galleries have been for yourselves in recent years and in particular during this past year with COVID-19? All comments very much welcomed and appreciated!

Brian Wolfgang Becker