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17 January, 2005
  • Jude

Latest Comment...

I to think that if the photos are altered. it should be labled or noted that the photo is inhanced.

04 January, 2005
  • Anthony Mottram
  • 04 Jan 2005

Original Post: Is this allowed ???? 1 for Mike of the Sankey variety

I was going to post this in the critique section but, thought, hmmmm, perhaps its better here.

It starts out as an image of the Sky taken with my trusty Binocular camera. It comes in handy because it practically puts you IN the clouds. Makes for great shots :-)

What I lay up for discussion is simple, Check out the images below and see how the scene changes from simple Sky shot to Manufactured Sky shot.

Both are in my opinion reasonable starting points for some imagery, but 1 is " As is real" and the other " A Fake "

Had I not told you this, you would perhaps have not even noticed and figured " Lucky Sod " to be in the right place at the right time, OR would you ?

I know this digital Thing has done the rounds a fair bit, but this line can become very fine. Is 1 image any less than the other, since the end result is always " Visual Appeal "

Later everyone, Laz.

Oops, this image is the fake :-)