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22 January, 2005
  • stan jones

Latest Comment...

Thanks for all that Gary

it has set my mind at rest still bugs me when i see a photo manipulated to the point of being some thing else and they still call it a photo

I feel that if it is to be put up a photo it should look like one and not kaleidoscopes or photoshop enhanced to the point of distraction

17 January, 2005
  • Michelle Andersen
  • 17 Jan 2005

Original Post: Photomanipulations ?

Okay. I have a question about where i should put these.

I would consider them digital art.

The category Digital Painting description says "created using digital media software."

The category Photography is described as "images that were born inside a camera."

I am leaning toward Digital Painting here, but i'm not completely sure, since the photomanipulations did begin in a camera.

Any photomanip artists here, let me know where you put yours.