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23 September, 2021
  • Jeff Bogue

Latest Comment...

The site needs to develop it so our images to put on mugs, ext. are adjustable to adjust the picture. It is now just the art print and it might have background we do not wand on the mug. We need to adjust the image.

13 January, 2017
  • Staff
  • 13 Jan 2017

Original Post: Introducing The ArtWanted Idea Board

We are excited to announce a new way for our members to suggest changes and new features to the website - we are calling it the Idea Board.

The Community Idea Board allows our members to post any idea they would like to see added or changed with Members vote and comment on the ideas they like and support. Ideas with higher point values will get more attention from the ArtWanted staff and have a higher chance of being built into the website. This is a great way to see exactly what our members want from this art community.

How the Idea Board Works

    1) Visit the COMMUNITY section of our website and click on the IDEA BOARD area.
    2) Any member can post a new idea on something they would like added or changed about the website.
    3) Members review the ideas and vote on their favorites with a simple one-click “thumbs up” or “thumbs down” button.
    4) Each vote adds or subtracts points to the idea. The higher the votes, the more attention it will get from the ArtWanted staff.
    5) Additional comments can be posted to any idea to show support or examples of how the idea might be implemented.

Point Value System

  • A THUMBS UP vote adds 10 points to the idea.
  • A THUMBS DOWN vote subtracts 5 points from the idea.
  • All ideas with at least 100 points will get a response from the ArtWanted staff about the idea.
  • Ideas earning 500 points or more will get a detailed response from the ArtWanted staff. This response may include additional comments about the idea, level of effort, likelihood of being built and possible timeframes to implement the change.
  • These point values may be adjusted over time, depending on how the Idea Board is used.

You Have a Voice

The main goal behind the new Idea Board is to allow our members to shape the future of This is your art community and we want to make sure we are working on features and changes that our members want to see. While we can’t promise that every idea will be built, we can say that we will be watching the Idea Board very closely and we know that many of your ideas will turn into reality.

So there you go. If you have ever had an idea, suggestion, feature request, new product idea, website change, or annoying issue you want to change… now is the time to share your thoughts and vote for ideas others have. We can’t wait to see what you come up with!

We invite you to think of one thing you would like to see on ArtWanted and post it on the new Idea Board today.

2017 is going to be a great year, especially thanks to your ideas!

View Idea Board Now