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25 November, 2008
  • Nikolaus

Latest Comment...

Try That's funny though...says it's worth hundreds of thousands and he offers pocket change...

Look at it with a magnfying glass and see if it is a print...if it has small dots making up the colors. Does it have paint texture? Is it on canvas? what does the backside look like?

Looks like it's probably a is another one.

25 November, 2008
  • laxcy Vincent
  • 25 Nov 2008
  • 1 Comment

Original Post: painting by Paul Detlefsen

Attached are pictures of the painting by Paul Detlefsen that I purchased at a garage sale for $5.00! A guy on ebay told me that if it was an original, it would be worth hundreds of thousands of dollars! He told me that it was a "great find", and offered me $125.00 for it. After searching the internet, I found out that this particular painting is called "Spring Morn". I understand it is rare and hard to find because it is one of his oldest paintings. Can anyone tell me how to find out what it its worth?? Or can tell me a website that I can go on to find it's value.