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13 August, 2008

Can someone help me?

I am hoping that there is an experienced portrait artist in this group that can give me some helpful pointers on drawing portraits. I am a self taught artist that just started out and I am having trouble with the hair on the people I'm drawing. I just can't seem to get it right. I saw a lot of other portraits on this site and so many of them have perfect hair! How do you do it? I have been ripping my hair out trying to figure it out! Thanks to anyone that can help me!


WESTERN ARTWORK By Denny Karchner 15 Aug 2008

Hi Kimberlee.

I have done a few tutorials here on AW that might help a little. Here are three:

There a few more links in my "bio" area that might be of help.

Good luck!--Denny ;{

Kimberlee Kepper 15 Aug 2008

Thank you very much Denny! I will definitely try some of the techniques you were talking about. I hope it helps!

WESTERN ARTWORK By Denny Karchner 16 Aug 2008

Thanks Kimberlee and Lee. If anyone has any questions, let me know and I will try my best to answer them.

Have a great weekend!!--Denny ;{

Suzanne Barrett Justis 30 Aug 2008

Hi Kimberly, I find the LESS I do with the hair, the better it looks. I don't do each strand, but tend to go for the low lights and high lights. I start with a medium tone and then put in the shadow and "low lights" and then finish with the lightest tones, or "high lights" I am sure there is no one way to do this, but this seems to work for me. Good luck. Suzanne

Kimberlee Kepper 20 Sep 2008

Thanks Suzanne!

Shawn Sanderson 21 Jul 2009

I agree with Suzzane. Just wanted to add one thing. When you've done what she suggests, pick an obvious spot (out front somewhere) and detail it. The eye/mind plays a trick with that and tells the viewer it's all perfect! (like it did with you I'll bet). As you learn more, you'll discover, illusion is very much a part of art. Don't get the impression I'm an old pro though, I've only been an artist for 11 months. I'm just repeating what I've learned from professionals. : )
