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31 August, 2008


Sceptics would say the stories about the effects of these paintings are just coincidences but too many times have I done a commission for an Angel painting where the stories of the healing that took place are far too strange to be just chance.As corny as it sounds Angels do work in mysterious ways and never how you expect. Some may not even recognize that a healing has taken place because it's not what they think needs healing.

When I first began painting Angels I knew intent played an important part in the outcome so too did trust but I still got a surprise by what happened to me after I painted my own.

I developed a harmless looking pimple on my cheek vertually the day I finished it. As the week went on this lump got bigger and was moving down my face.( most would probably freak and go to the doctor, I probably should have )

It eventually worked its way to my gum and an abcess was born. It didn't hurt until it got to my mouth where the pressure had built right beside a broken tooth. This was a physical healing that had taken place, not what I had expected. I had only considered that they would heal on an emotional level. Silly me !!! The physical is the last place we manifest what started at an emotional level. I must have been hanging onto this one for a very long time. It's not like that for everyone, they have all been very different.

I don't have a digital image of that particular painting to show you but I ll get one happening now I've told its tale. I named it Angel for Nicolee and when I was mistaken for a missing person also an artist named Nicolee, I gave the painting to her Mum. As it turned out the painting was on display a long way from where I was but very close to where the missing Nicolee's Mum lived. It was meant to be with her.

There's an interesting story to tell about every one of them. I'll try to add some more with a pic of each one.

What a great place to share Angel experiences !!!

Nicolee Payne


Mo Comeau 21 Oct 2008

Goose Bumps galore! every time Something good happens to me, I look up or around and find something that has an angel in it somewhere, a statue, a song a book etc.... my favorite angels are my four grand children, Amber ( 4) Brandy ( 3) Deanna ( 1 1/2 ) and Steven II ( 5 ) so yes I believe angels are among us in ways we never realize. Keep up the good works Mo Comeau
