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15 July, 2008

Introductions : )

Hi ALl :) Thanks for joining Animal Connections, if you are here then I am sure you are a huge animal lover and I can not wait to see beautiful animal images all over the front page of our group :) I made this group for all the wonderful animal artists here on ArtWanted, and there are so many fantastic artists here! Feel free to upload your artwork when the mood catches you and post any topics and questions :) My name is Leah Jaarveth and I have been a member of AW since 2005, and plan on sticking around for good :) I am so very excited about this group! Peace Always, Leah


Leah Jaarveth 15 Sep 2008

I wanted to say thanx to all you animal loers for making this group Artwanted's largest group so far! With 69 members as of today we are the largest AW group.....hopefully we keep growing! Keep sharing you spirit and your love of animals! Peace! Leah

Leah Jaarveth 01 Oct 2008

This planet is so full of life,just for the fun, I want to hear what animal makes your heart melt! I know its really hard to pick just one, so we can list our top 3 favorite animals ; )

And since I am being completely terrorized at this very moment by my kitty, I will say cats are my top favorite, horses a very close second, I have so many favorites.....for my third today I will pick tigers since they inspire the soul.

Ok your turn!

Lucien van Oosten 08 Aug 2023

I work in several media, pen and ink, color pencil, artist color markers, acrylic . My favorite techniques are Stippling and Pointillism. I like any and all animal that creates a challenge in reproducing it into a piece of art and how to create a cohesive composition. Textures and colors are always fun, regardless of media.
