







Artist Bio

Self Portrait

I paint in what is termed abstract. What I am trying to do is capture a moment in time. An emotion that I am feeling or not feeling. Most of these paintings are done in the impasto style and with no brushes, all palette knives.

As far as representational art vs. abstract, I have decided not to participate in the aurgument.

I feel that in a strong sense I am representing life through color and what emotion the viewer might render from the work.

I am abstract in the sense that I am not attempting to duplicate items around me through paint on a canvas. Also, that I feel there are a lot of people doing this who are better (and more passionate) about doing so.

Some of the experiments I have done are best viewed in the context of how it actually hung on the wall. This is why I have chosen to include a portfollio of actual exhibitions.

I have researched this style and my materials and usuage are of highest quality. In other words, they are painted correctly according to historical archival data and will not fail.

If you made it through all that congradulations.

I hope you enjoy my work!

Artist Highlights