






Artist Bio

Self Portrait

Born in Wuerzburg, Germany 1962

After academic degree in design (objekt, jewelry, grafic) at the National College of Design (staatliche Fachhochschule für Gestaltung - Schwäbisch Gmünd) she became designer (freelancer) and artist (painting, grafic, object, jewelry)

From 1995 to 2003 she worked with children und adolescents in different social caring projects. Since 2003 Web-, printdesign and artist

Martina Jaeger´s exponates can be considered as a melting pot for different styles

in aquarelle, acrylic, pastel-crayon, pigments, drawing ink and she works with various materials.

Her favourite subjects for paintings are:

„Zauber der Natur“ / „Kunst&Meditation“ / „Mathematik in Formen und Farben“ - „Architektonische Weltreise“ - „Afrikanische Weisheiten“ - „digital-analoge Ansichten“ - „Kommunikation im Zeitfluss“ / „Sinnliches in Gestalt“ - „SpiegelSchriften“ -

the way of communication in scripture and symbols - history of humankind - paintings of nature - Architecture and its changing style - Digital-art in different layouts - Concrete Art - Erotic paintings, drawings and photos

She founded a school for creative people and established two internet-forums for local and international artists (galerie motiv, kunstforum76)

Exhibitions: (collective and individual) in germany since 1988 (galleries, business, privat and public institutiones) Aachen, Augsburg, Darmstadt, Erlangen, Haßfurt, Idar-Oberstein, Mannheim, Nürnberg, Pforzheim, Schwäbisch Gmünd und Würzburg

Publications: scripts and paintings in internet, newspaper, magazine and books

Artist Highlights