






Artist Bio

Self Portrait

Dear Friend, chances are that you are an artist too and if you took a minute of your time to read my humble letter you either have a lot of free time or like to discover new, even if you were not guaranteed it is worth checking out (better yet, exactly because of that). I hope that I do not disappoint you in your venture and touch you in any way my art can ever touch anyone else. I picked up brush again just a few years ago, after a long time of being afraid of it as I was afraid of not keeping up with good artists and as a daughter of a perfectionist was convinced that it is better not to do it at all than to do it worse than others. It was at the age of 19, when I moved to US from Russia and started going to local galleries and felt that art was not necessarily measured by how technically skillful the artist is, but by what his( her) work does to you as a viewer. There are of course these amazing masters out there , people whos work is honed in all of the aspects it is judged in, and accordingly their names will become a part of history for centuries to come. I wish to be like them and I do not excuse my lack of technical abilities by the philosophy I adopted but I feel like a lot of things I have to say are important to be heard NOW, when I am only capable of expressing them the way I can NOW . There are no artists whos art should not be exposed to public as long as they want to share it with others and are willing to pursue it. Art is there to be viewed, to be judged, to be discussed, admired, hated, noticed by some and invisible to others, but it is TO BE the way the artist made it and gave it to the world. Thank you, all, for visiting my webpage and expressing your views on my art. Sincerely, Leyla.

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