ABOUT Kathy Ostman-Magnusen
Represented by Monkdogz Urban Art, New York, NY http://www.monkdogz.com
Monkdogz Urban Art, Inc.
547 West 27th Street
5th floor
New York, NY 10001
I paint and sculpt female fantasy art and map faery tale adventures, testing erotica . I dream of beautiful women on canvas and art of exotic women.
I have illustrated for Hay House Inc.,"Women Who Do Too Much" CARDS taken from Anne Wilson Schaef's book. I also illustrated for Neil Davidson, who was considered for the Pulitzer Prize in feature writing, and several other publications. My paintings are collected worldwide.
Giclee canvas art work, greeting cards and posters are available for sale on my website: http://www.kathysart.com
Sign up for my mailing list for FREE ART GIFTS: Drawings of whimsical angel pictures, legends of mermaids and fairies in art and "Letter From the Tooth Fairy", all suitable for children.
Artist Statement:
I began my career at four years old in the back seat of my parents car, as they travelled the countryside looking for rainbows I suspect. I drew whimsical angel pictures and paper dolls with visions of an elegant tooth fairy that watched over me. I have been exhilarated and tormented by art ever since. I wake up in the morning and go to bed at night thinking about tiny angels and worlds unknown.
I paint and sculpt women primarily; in their daily lives; in lives they might be afraid of; and in lives they wish they had. I also dream of whimsical angel pictures, legends of mermaids and fairies at my beck and call. My goal has always remained the same, to hear my subjects breathing and to know the passion I feel in my soul is met by theirs.
So I sing:
"Hold me close dear angel, muster up a little tune, and rock me like a serpent, that rises to the moon."
In every single one of my paintings my objective is to 'know them'. To let character reveal their own vision or message. I am often astounded as their presence unfolds and I am met with who they are. I then realize that who 'they' are defines me as well. My hope is that my paintings & sculptures relate to you, and that legends of mermaids; whimsical angel pictures; and tooth fairies fantasies give you the message you need for your own heart and soul.
Aloha, Kathy
Artist Biography:
Kathy Ostman-Magnusen is a self taught figurative artist and illustrator. She is very prolific in oils, glass etching, watercolors, silk painting and sculpture. Kathy also enjoys writing; poetry; stories and articles . She posts a lot of her writing on ezines and her blogs.
Kathy illustrated for Hay House Inc.,"Women Who Do Too Much" CARDS taken from Anne Wilson Schaef's book "Meditations for Women Who Do Too Much". She also illustrated for Neil Davidson, who was considered for the Pulitzer Prize in feature writing, and several other publications.
Prior to being a full time artist Kathy owned and operated her own souvenir pottery business in Northern California. She had eight contracted workers and one full time shipper. Products were created, hand sculpt, wheel thrown and personalized to meet each clients specific needs. Her company shipped to most National Parks, Disney World, J C Penny and over 1000 specialty shops all over the US. After 20 years in the souvenir business she decided to focus on her painting and sculpting. In 1996 Kathy moved to Kauai where she lived for 8 years. In 2004 Kathy moved to the Big island of Hawaii where she and her husband and high school sweetheart Dennis now reside.
Her work is collected worldwide.
Artist Information:
Subject matter for which known:
Figurative. "I paint 'women', in their daily lives; in lives they question; and in lives they wish they had."
Style of work:
Primarily impressionist but also realism.
Primarily oils but also sculpture in clay and metals; watercolors; silk; chemical glass etching and acrylics.
Museums and State Buildings:
Morris Library, UC Berkley, CA.
Wailoa Center,(Division of State Parks,(Department of Land and Natural Resources,(Wailoa State Park,(Hilo, Hawaii
Books where referenced:
Illustrator for the publications listed below:
Title 1) "Spirit of Hula" (color plate pg.-84) 2 )"Women Who Do Too Much" cards (illustrator) 3) "The Sweet Revenge of Melissa Chavez" (cover)
Author: 1 )Leilani Petranek 2 )Anne Wilson Schaef 3) Neil Davidson Year of Publication: 1) 2004 2) 2003 3 )1994
Total Number of pages in book:
1) 111 2) 52 cards 3) 200 Color plates yes/no 1) yes 2) individual cards 3) cover
Periodicals where referenced:
The Mainliner News, Vol.7, no. 24, June 23,1994 Ardmore, PA.,
Cover image for "The Sweet Revenge of Melissa Chavez" a serialized novel by Neil Davidson (Mr. Davidson was considered for the Pulitzer Prize in 1995 for feature writing.)
Self published works:
Illustrated story booklets:
Lost At Sea, Indian Symphonies, The Last Pack,
Other publications:
Art and Studio Magazine, New York, back cover, April 2007,
Tribune Herald photo, article "ke ala o Pele" One Woman Show April 12, 2007 color photo, "Orchids"
Art and Studio Magazine, New York, back cover, May 2006
Guide to Kauai Artists, 2001-2004, black and white photo
"101 Things To Do In Kauai", Wet Paint Studio Tours 2003, no picture
Zento Magazine, Wet Paint Studio Tours Spring 2002, color photo
Garden Isle Newspaper, front page: photo of "Hawaiian Jeff" sculpture, January 17, 2002, color photo
Special Awards:
Juror's Choice Award, East Hawaii Cultural Center, All Juried Show 2005, Juror: Carol Yotsuda, Hilo, HI., September 2005, "Denny"
Honorable Mention, Kauai Society of Artists 2001, KSA Art Kauai 2001, Kauai, HI, Juror: Patricia Correia, "She's Just A Little Girl",
Merit Award, Security Pacific, Paradise, CA., Invitational 1995, "Cowboy"
Association and Gallery Exhibitions:
Monkdogz Urban Art Gallery, "Damez", New York, NY., April 26-June 2 2007
Wailoa Center Gallery, One Woman Show, "ke ala o Pele", Hilo, Hawaii, April 6-April 27 2007
Monkdogz Urban Art Gallery, "7", New York, NY., May 18-June 10, 2006
East Hawaii Cultural Center, All Juried Show 2005, Juror: Carol Yotsuda, Hilo, HI., September 2005 One Woman Show/ Artist in Residence, Whole World Theater, Kapaa,Kauai, HI ., January 2004-June 2004
Century 21, Kapaa, Kauai, HI., "Local Artists of Kauai", June 2004-August 2004
Garden Isle Arts Council, "Spirit World", Lihue, Kauai, HI., October 2002
Kauai Society of Artists, KSA Art Kauai 2002, Juror: Vicky Clark, Lihue, Kauai, HI., July 2002
Garden Isle Arts Council, "Mothers", Lihue, Kauai, HI., April 2002
Kauai Society of Artists, "Membership Show", Juror: Darrel Orwig, general manager @Schaefer International Gallery, Maui Arts and Cultural Center, Maui, HI., Lihue, Kauai, HI., March 2002
Garden Isle Arts Council and The State Foundation on Culture and the Arts Presents:
*"Portraits of Kauai", Kukui Grove Exhibition Hall, Lihue, Kauai, HI., January-February 2002, *I was the exhibition chair for "Portraits of Kauai", assisted by Carol Yotsuda. Kukui Grove Exhibition Hall was a 26,000 ft space.
Kauai Society of Artists, "Small Works Show", Juror" Mike Schnack Wailua, Kauai, HI., Nov-Jan 2002
Garden Isle Arts Council, "Gods Dolls and Fetishes", Kukui Grove Exhibition Hall, Lihue, Kauai, HI., October-November 2001
Kauai Society of Artists 2001, Juror:Patricia Correlia, Lihue, Kauai, HI., August-October 2001
Garden Isle Arts Council, "Chairs II ", Juror: Brigitta Leitner, Lihue, Kauai, HI., July-August 2001
Kauai Society of Artists, KSA Art Kauai '96 Show, Juror: Judy Jensen, Kauai Museum, Lihue, Kauai, HI
Memberships in Art-Related Associations:
Wailoa Center, Hilo, Hawaii, Member: 2005-2007
East Hawaii Cultural Center, Hilo, Hawaii, Member: 2005-2007
Garden Isle Arts Council, Kauai, Hawaii, I was President of GIAC 2001-2002, I am still a member
Kauai Society of Artists, Kauai, HI., served on the Board of Directors 2001-2003,
Palette Club, Palm Desert, California, Member 1998-99, served on Ways and Means Committee
Governor's Conference on Arts and Education, Honolulu, Oahu, HI., 2001 and 2002
Hawaii State Museum - Opening, Volunteer and delegate for Garden Isle Arts Council, 2002
Schaefer Portrait Challenge, established by Maui Arts and Cultural Center, $15,000. Award, I was the liaison for the island of Kauai, HI., 2002
Kamalani Kai Bridge Project, Lydgate Park, Kauai, HI., 2001
Wet Paint Studio Tours, Kauai, HI., 2002-2004
Private Collections:
Joyce Dodie (formally Mrs, Charles Schultz), Brenda Hall, Mr. and Mrs. Brett Savage, Mr. and Mrs. Hyatte Ward, Mr. and Mrs. Larry Wood