• Nira Dabush
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  • Added 26 Feb 2010
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The Day She Met the Knife

This post will start a series:
"For Those Who Do for Others"

YES, I remember ! She remembers herself very well with great sympathy.

The day she met the surgical knife..

I met the surgical knife back then in 1985, learning how to do a surgery to artwork painted on paper, that had a “mistake”.. I don’t really use it, since usually I have no mistakes in my work.. AND, also back then, I didn’t like working with it, if I had a mistake, I simply made the all artwork once more, even, if it already took many hours.

Several times, I asked myself of the difference between us artists doing ART, To those responsible to do their “ART” on people’s body… doctors… professors...
Undoubtedly there’s huge difference of responsibilities... but much more...
The main difference of giving life of an artwork to the giving or improving LIFE of a person… the LIFE of Human being.

Upper photo :Cyclamen, primrose, one of my MOST favorite flowers.
Scanned photo of an artwork that was given to “ASUTA” hospital, by a very dear lady I know so well. It was painted by me, framed by her.. and a note was added by her also. (about 13 years ago).(35CM X 50CM)
Second image: My artwork meet the surgical knife.
Because I remember more then this…
This is dedicated to those who do their “ART”, to save / rescue people’s LIFE.
OR, To improve the quality of people's life.
With great appreciation.
Thanks for viewing and commenting.
May we all have long healthy happy life…..........
Copyrights© Nira Dabush

5 of 27 Comments Show All 27 Comments

Anonymous Guest

Dawson - Lynn James 20 Aug 2014

Magnificent work of art!!

Andrei Mezei 09 Apr 2012

beautiful images Nira!awesome work!

Caballero Salguero 11 Jun 2011

Excellent quality dear Nira, magical red with lovely forms, all full of fantasy and dreams, so important work...with hunger and be of great ideas,VERY GOOD, Pepe

eirini kanellou 19 Nov 2010

i really love your work!! so beautiful

Anonymous Guest 02 Mar 2010

Great work, Nira, accompaning words give the work more power ! ~ Izabella