Ibra, please win the chnpmioas league before talking shit.I used to admire you, but you are going out of the road.Concentrate on your game and leave Barcelona alone.Anytime you leave a team you talk bad about it.Don't compare yourself with Messi and Guardiola.They are the World Best, so try to be among the best. Seu viado
Anonymous Guest 09 Aug 2012
Ibra, please win the chnpmioas league before talking shit.I used to admire you, but you are going out of the road.Concentrate on your game and leave Barcelona alone.Anytime you leave a team you talk bad about it.Don't compare yourself with Messi and Guardiola.They are the World Best, so try to be among the best. Seu viadoLorna Skeie 05 Feb 2011
You have really captured the feeling and emotionsJoan Wulff 24 Oct 2009
Great expression. nicely drawn.