• Astrid Lohin
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  • Image 76 of 111
  • Added 13 Jul 2009
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Anonymous Guest

Anonymous Guest 14 Jul 2009

This reminds me of the dichotomy of our emotional sense of sex, and the physical realities of it. on the emotional side, we have this very deep impacting exercise that two people (or however many ;) ) do with each other. the butterflies in the stomach, the feeling of bliss and connectedness and love. the way its so important that many rituals and stigmas are attributed to it. Then there's the physical side of sex, the actual machinations and happenings within our body during the act. two pieces of meat slapping against each other, primal grunting and strange sounds, it's almost violent. disgusting juices flying every which way, that it's such a physically disgusting act our brains have to compensate for it and dump all these endorphines into our systems to entice us into doing it.