• Maureen Bloesch
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  • Added 20 Mar 2009
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Original charcoal with original photograph, overlay of *Wolf Robe* by Maureen LR Bloesch Thank you Maureen for asking me to write for your great piece of art work,,i have had fun once again,,:)) Spirit of the Cheyenne belongs to the following groups: All Things Poetic, Artistic, Philosophical, Freedom In Words, In Another World .. and Spirit of the Native American He remembers, He remembers everything. He is no longer of this place, of this time or world. But His Spirit still remains. It is cold, and must be winter, for He feels the cold winds touch his face with icy tendrils, leaving valleys upon it. Some will say they are lines of wisdom, and some, the lines of age, and to an extent they both are true. He had gathered the Wisdom of the land. All the Cheyenne knew. They had known how to treat the land that the Great Father allowed them. The Spirit of the Cheyenne is still here; he was a good and proud man in life and is in Spirit also. Now he weaves among the young and new touching their souls. He wishes them to see the bigger picture, and to remember. He wondered now and then if he was doing a good job in helping those who needed to see. For the wounding and hurt of the Great Fathers land far and wide had became worse with every breath of every single soul that ever lived. The month of the cold moon blankets the land where he walks now, it is wondrous, it is untouched by the hands of the young and he stands with a pride that no one can ever take from him. He watches as a young deer forages for food. It only stops to view him with the deepest brown eyes, of which he feels a familiar respectful gaze. He will just observe the deer, for he knows the animals of the cold silent Forest understand. There is no need to touch their Spirit, as they walk the land with respect, taking only what they need to survive. He just observes with a keen heart, as the deer dips its head to him, before swiftly bouncing joyously into the forest. His eyes close to the calling of a Nation elapsed, as the winter flakes settle on lashes dark. His heart is warm. All is still in his mind, so much so, that he may hear the falling snow from the hands of the Great Father. In his minds eye he creates an image of the last camp where he was alive. They had been there for two moons, for the Buffalo had settled not far away. Soon the whole camp stood around him, alive once again with Women and Children as they went about their daily duties and play. A smile swept his face. The smell of the warm months, camp fires, cooking and skins filled his very being. But then sadness filled his soul, a deep pull, as the Nations memories he stored in his heart became so real. To his left an Old Warrior Chief came and touched his shoulder, he smiled warmly and uttered something which the Spirit of the Cheyenne could not hear. He wished to stay there for a while longer, but the growing wind of the present time cut his skin, rudely snatching at the warmth of the vision he had recreated. The forest spoke to him, bare branches hung in the haze of winter covered in snow. He dipped his head. He turned preparing to walk the space between worlds, when in the deep snow that lay behind him, he heard a soft step. There stood the Deer that had run so swiftly away. The clear brown eyes of the Deer were searching for a distant recognition. Spirit of the Cheyenne smiled and watched as the fair creature tilted its head to the side. ‘You did not here me’? Asked the Deer ‘I did not’ replied the Spirit of the Cheyenne I one sudden moment the Deer had gone leaving only small prints in the white blanket. To his left an Old Warrior Chief came and touched his shoulder. He smiled warmly and spoke words which Spirit of the Cheyenne heard this time. ‘You do well my friend, you were a proud man and always will be even in Spirit’ They turned to face each other, and the Old Warrior Chief continued ‘You do help them to see the way by your Spirit of old, but, they must choose to listen’ With that the Spirit of the Cheyenne stood alone one again. He had been told by a Spirit man he held deep respect for that he was doing a good job, full of worth and was making a difference to those who chose to listen. So, listen and you will hear the The Spirit of the Cheyenne, he who guides you.


Anonymous Guest

Maurizio Miele 24 Aug 2013

Great work !

Artist Reply: Thank you...I had fun doing this in pencil
Artist Reply: oops, this was a photo...sorry... thank you for the compliment

Caballero Salguero 20 Jun 2009

Powerful spirit. Great Charcol.Gorgeous.For always José