• Paul Tokarski
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  • Added 31 Jan 2009
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Red Caves

Red Caves was created using resins as the medium on plywood frames. I grind dry pigments into the resin just as oil, acrylic, watercolor and other mediums are made. Using this method allows me to incorporate the finest materials available. Resins have a life of their own from multiple transparent layers to rich saturated colors. The use of metallic pigments, metal leaf and foils make the images dance with movement and color. My complex multi layered images deliver a visual burst allowing the mind to decipher the images at whatever tempo it can manage. This is the essence of my painting. The resin starts off as a thin maple syrup then slowly thickens to a thick honey and finally a hard gel. The resin is under constant movement for approximately 4 – 6 hours. During this time the resin is prone to movement and the art is ever changing, much like the walls of a sand castle. My resin artwork is relatively new to the public and has been received remarkably well since its release. You must remember that my resin work is a one of a kind image that should be seen up-close to appreciate the look and feel of the piece. Please feel free to leave a message if you have any questions, comments or if you wish to purchase. You can easily view additional images at my web site http://www.paultokarski.com/. EnJoy! Paul Tokarski Copyright 2008


Anonymous Guest

Kovács János 02 Mar 2009

magical!!! :))

Dávid Marcin 01 Feb 2009

nice colouring and structures...nice

Stefani Wehner 31 Jan 2009

outstanding colors! Beautiful!