• Matt Deakin
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  • Image 6 of 8
  • Added 13 Jan 2009
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Gifts of Love

MyFreeCopyright.com Registered & Protected Finally done after 4 weeks at 3 hours a day. I used a photo that I took as the reference for this but I added the wood in the background from my imagination. 2B - 8B graphite pencils. Putty eraser Blending stumps, tissue and ear buds. Edit: It seems that someone is maybe jealous of this in some way and decided to rate it 5 out of 10. Now normally I wouldn't give a damn because I'm my own biggest critic but even I was a little bit dismayed by that. That implies that I would have to do twice as good as this to get anywhere near a 10 (not that any picture is ever perfect anyway). Oh well, it's just a small gripe but I hate it when people can't just appreciate what went into a picture in order to achieve the final result and rate something accordingly (based on the overall and intended end result) rather than just out of jealousy and/or spite.

5 of 27 Comments Show All 27 Comments

Anonymous Guest

Laura Smith 23 Nov 2010

This is just awesome. Love your hyper-realism drawings!

Anonymous Guest 14 Oct 2010

This is a pencil drawing??? I thought I was looking at a photograph! This is absolutely unbelievably awesome. You have both an amazing eye but also the patience of a saint. I'd rate it 11 on a scale of 1 - 10.

Anonymous Guest 05 Jul 2010

Matt, I love this very much. The only thing I'd like to 'critique' - from my very personal point of view that is - is the wood in the background. Although expertedly done, it distracts me from the main part of the work, which is exceedingly well and merits a true 10. Cheers, Reinhard

Artist Reply: Thanks Reinhard. I agree about the wood but at the time I was inexperienced at composition (and still am I guess) and didn't take into consideration that the wood would distract from the main drawing. I just didn't know when to stop with this drawing. Thanks for the feedback. Matt.

Gagandeep chadha 05 Jul 2010

U do not deserve anythin less than 10!!ITZ JUST PEFECT!!!!!!!!!!love ur work--Gagan

Rebecca Wadle 12 May 2010

Wow! This is absolutely amazing!