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  • Added 28 Dec 2008
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Christmas Miracle

Dear Family and Friends of AW, As some of you may have noticed,Dee has been away from AW for a while. Unfortunately, Dee has been quite ill for many months and recently had to be admitted to a hospital. Dee had received excellent medical care from the doctors,nurses,and staff at the hospital , which she was admitted to, during this Christmas season, for whom Dee&I are so very grateful. The nature of Dee’s condition required emergency surgery, as what the doctors discovered was life threating.It was a miracle that Dee came home to me on Dec 26th. Dee&I are continuing to Trust in God’s help, as there still is an ongoing concern that not all the cancer,which the doctors believe she has,has been removed. This is an Inspired digitally enhanced photo of a Christmas bulb that Dee was working on before she was taken to the hospital for emergency care.Dee&I felt moved to call this photo"Christmas Miracle". Thank You for stopping by. I would appreciate very much your prayers,for my precious beautiful wife. Dee sends her Love to you all and is hoping to return to AW when her health permits. With much Thanks and Love, God Bless, David

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Vernonette Gaddy 10 Aug 2013

Beautiful luminous Christmas photography!

louie ferris 21 Apr 2011

I really like this photograph. Beautiful picture. It reminds me of one of those family-type of movies that are shown at Christmas time. I tried getting into photography but my heart isn't in it. I've always been a "paint, brush and easel" person. But at least I tried. LJF

Sandra McClure 24 Jan 2009

Dee you are in my prayers. What a wonderful beautiful person you are. I just had surgery Dec 29 and I am doing well. May God bless you and you have always been a blessing with your work and your wonderful comments....

Jessica Rose 23 Jan 2009

Dee...you are in our thoughts!

Ruth Kauffman 20 Jan 2009

EXQUISITE design, my dearest friends!! Praise God for the miracle!!! Email to follow!