• Suraj Lochan
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  • Image 114 of 160
  • Added 28 Feb 2004
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2 Sides of the Law storyboard

this is a storyboard for an animation i did. its my most recent storyboard, one of my best too. this file also has the timing in seconds for actions and movements. Avi Lee, the main character fights handcuffed the whole time. i really wanted to do a martial arts animation, it was pretty cool to figure out how to make Avi look like the good guy, even tho the system may have him pegged as a convict. i had him pretty much defend the whole time, he never really aims to hurt the general with his fist or closed hand. its a lil jackie chan esque with a Jet Li influence. the frames read, left to right.

1 Comment

Anonymous Guest

Benjamin Dunstan 20 Sep 2006

I can make out the detail and style, some what. I do think that for your own betterment you should pick out only select key frames (maybe four) and enlarge them. Nice work!!

Artist Reply: hmmm, sorry bout that. it was uploaded about 2 years ago, before they changed a lot of the rules on this site. back then, it mattered how wide ur picture was, but it din matter how tall it was :) and thats how i got away with posting this one. i made it super tall and u used to be able to scroll down for like a minute and actually see the frames in more details... ahhhh but things change... if u want, i could email u the details, i even made a sweet animatic outta it, but its like 30mb with music. id love to post gifs on this site but its just getting annoying, nothing works anymore, i even used to be able to break the system and upload as many pics as i wanted... yargh, matey, tis not easy ta be a pirate no more....