• Hector Rios - Arternatives
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  • Added 20 Oct 2008
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AMELIA - Vanished Sweet-Hart

On December 28, 1920, Amelia Earhart took her very first plane ride. She said, "By the time I had got two or three hundred feet off the ground, I knew I had to fly!"...... The history of this female American pilot is more than fascinating when studied from a non-biased, objective perspective. The multiple sources of her data and final departure details have been supplied from various sources, including British military reports, Japanese letters, Australian overviews and American semi-folkloric accounts. The truth of the matter is that her Electra biplane, for the final portion of crossing the Pacific in returning to Burbank, San Francisco Bay area US, was equipped with extra large gas tanks, and what is believed to have been high density photographic equipment to capture regions of the Japanese controlled Pacific Ocean at a time of massive political threats and international pre-WWII pressures towards our country. The final stretch of Amelia Earhart's round-the-world journey is bombarded with mystery and intrigue. US Naval ships positioned, failing yet peculiarly quizzical radio transmissions, erroneous cartographical calculations that seem transfixed into a publically acceptable storm environment, Japanese search and rescue missions that had no chronicled foundations, credible royal and medical eyewitnesses to having spotted two American crash-landed male and female pilots upon an island, post war remnants of the particular plane said to have been seen, then ordered destroyed... from a private hanger... unfruitful attempts to trace any vessel or wreckage in the charted ocean zones, even with ultimate modern sonar, methodological equipment, sea soundings, and magnetic digitized satellite imagery.... The JFK boat was recovered, many believe that her plane will not be because she was highly possibly captured, interrogated as a high-profile American spy and tortured... 6-7 years later, Pearl Harbor, Hiroshima and Nagasaki.....hmm, the historical timing* !n 1937, her plane "completely" disappearred on route to Howland Island (halfway between Hawaii and Australia) during the well-chronicled attempt around the world. She was no stranger to crossing the seas. She, as an entire human population has observed, was the first woman to make solo flights across the vast Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, and The United States of America. After 50 years in America, the Vanished Sweet-Hart.. still remains an unexplained yet intriguing, factual, real-life mystery* This portrait was hand painted and clearcoated. H Rios- Arternatives private collections. Remnants of actual WW2 flight patches, pilot goggles, Japanese paraphanelia, etc. were added to this work.

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