• Geoff Cooper
  • View Portfolio
  • Image 251 of 334
  • Added 04 Aug 2008
  • 1 Favorite
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You don't frighten me!

Duck and ducklings surrounded by swans at Stapenhill gardens. England


Anonymous Guest

M Smith 09 Jun 2011

Marvelous photo!

Artist Reply: Thank you for your nice comments.

tom stones 10 Aug 2008

just love this geoff thay are so small bless them...........

Susana Araujo 07 Aug 2008

A really beautiful photo!!! Congratulations for your work.

Artist Reply: Thank you for your lovely comments.. Geoff. Wish there was more about yourself on your own portfolio..

Carolina Tyran 05 Aug 2008

This is a wonderful pic my friend!

Artist Reply: Just found out I didnt answer your comment on this picture, thanks Carolina...

Nira Dabush 04 Aug 2008

Splendid composition ,Geoff.. Marvelous peaceful photo

Artist Reply: Thank you for your comment Nira, it is a crop from a much larger picture..Geoff.