A Life and Death Situation

Last Wednesday we all went out for a walk to Iona beach here in Richmond,British Columbia and because of the extremely low tide it was possible to walk out literally for kilometers over smooth sand dunes with the occasional shallow pools for the dog to splash around in and keep cool. When we first started out I could see a bald eagle off in the distance which looked like it was sitting on a small log jutting out of the sand and mud. My wife encouraged me to go and check it out so off I went. I soon realized that it wasn't a log and that it was most likely a large Chinook or Sockeye salmon. As usual,I really took my time approaching and soon noticed that there was another eagle 15 yards or so away sitting on another log. I continually kept taking shots as I got closer and soon could see that it was actually the remains of a harbour seal. The first eagle flew off to where the other one was perched which in turn flew to the corpse and began taking it's turn at the considerable feast. As I kept approaching,and I was getting some really good but gory photos,I swung around a bit behind the scene so I could get better light. At that point I stopped for about three minutes and just stood still hoping they would feel that I was not a threat. Then a third eagle came flying and screaching in which caused the second one to fly back to what I think was it's mate. This one must have assumed,if birds can assume,that if the others were ok that it should be as well. Once it began to feed I kept slowly advancing and shooting as I went. By the time I had reached a point where I couldn't get the full eagle into the highest zoom field of view(300mm)I stopped. I just watched it feed for a few minutes to appreciate how close I'd gotten to these beautiful birds. I tried to get a few feet closer but the last eagle jumped off and then flew away. It was an absolute thrill for me and I was able to get over two hundred high res photos,many being close-ups. At my closest I figure I was about fifteen feet away. What a privilege,and a rush! Altogether,it took me about 25 minutes to cover the distance to them. I believe that it was a once in a lifetime chance but I guess I'll see.


Anonymous Guest

Randy Nore 05 Jun 2008

Couldn't have asked for a better subject...truly incredible photo!!!

Artist Reply: Thanks for the kind words Randy. I really appreciate it.

debbie collier 04 Jun 2008

Amazing shot!!!!!

Jerie kunitsky 04 Jun 2008

Just spectacular...what a capture...

Artist Reply: Once again Jerie, thank you so much for your continued kind words of encouragement. They mean a lot to me and sometimes when I'm feeling frustrated with photography, I'll read some of the many comments so kindly left on my portfolio and get a boost to my energy level to continue to try and focus and to improve. You've been there from the start. Thanks again!!

Sharon Gonzalez 04 Jun 2008

AWESOME SHOT! WOW, Michael!!!!

Artist Reply: Many thanks Sharon! Your kind words of support really keep my interest in photography piqued. One of these days I'm going to pick up the brushes and give creative art a good go. Michael Jensen

Emily Reed 04 Jun 2008


Artist Reply: Once again,thank you Emily. All the best,Michael