• Gavin North
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  • Image 16 of 43
  • Added 09 Apr 2008
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18 cm x 24 cm

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Nira Dabush 15 Jun 2008

From your work, Gavin and words, I could understand, that the past influenced you strongly in a dark way... i understand, that you need, or needed to use medications... I'm glad that you are be able to express yourself brilliantly in art, and i hope it releases your pain. i believe it can , at least partly. As i'm reading you, i feel that there are more sides of Gavin.. more then those dark ones expressed so powerfully in your portfolio.. I wonder, maybe, if you try ALSO, adding OTHER Kinds of art, Perhaps to bring other sides of yourself to US, your viewers.. perhaps it can help too... Of course, I'm not a professional healer, of any kind.. and i understand you consult with someone.. BUT.. It's just my thought, especially, that one of those days your wrote me comments, on a colourful work of mine, that you would like to try use more colours, I think. What i'm writing here, is not any kind of critics to you ART.. Not at all.. but, i was just thinking.. that you might enjoy trying do more things, and perhaps you'll reveal more shapes of ART, That can help you much more then the medications.. Perhaps by trying to express the beautiful things, you see in life, perhaps it could give you joy and peace inside...Here are just my thoughts.

cramer 07 May 2008

really cool, so true

Christine brand 17 Apr 2008

Potent and Powerful, unforgettable stements and insight into the realities of love and life. Deliver the Message Melancholy Angel, find the truth in your soul and leave it to the sky. I am listening. You are loved. No one can replace your worth in this world. You do mean something. Ever since the first time I came across your work, I knew you were set apart part of this world to show the way through the torture and kindness that life can bring. Your spirit amazes me. I can feel the sorrow and hear the screams. But sense your tenderness also. Hang on. There is a reason, All things work together for good to them that Love the Lord. And I must not lie to you My Dear Brother, there is more to this world than meets the eye. There is more to life than this place and these things and these people. The eternal beacons from both sides, dark and light, but love, true love is really the way even through the laughter and ridicule of hell. I have lived there too Gavin! and its' sparkling pleasure rips the flesh leaving only a whimpering river of blood. I could tell you of loneliness, but I am sure you know these things...You are not like the others but then you are. Take care and be careful for your heart. The world is passing away and each day we die while we live. It may seem foolish, the talk of sweet innocents but, it is all there is to hold on to when the time comes of war, the worst war within. God Keep you safe. It is my duty to speak with you and share what I have learned. I care. I can not tell you exactly why, just do. We are much alike in many ways. You are loved. I think of you often and wonder where you are. The richness is the love of your searching heart. Carry on Soldier! I know you are destined to be Gods', thus you are. You are his blessed Son, one he walks with invisible. The love from the heavens pours down upon you, crying torrents of rain, touches you in the early light and caresses your brow while you sleep. But only so much can be done and then he must leave you to travel and learn on your own. Yet the host of heaven watches each flicker of your eyes. Yes! Arise and know that there is so much more than this world. Time eternal talks within your mind while you dream. All are loved and we must love all, we are all connected. Grace and Power is the King of the Skies, he gives it to you...Waits for you to relay his message. Can you hear him...I do. You are loved. Sinseerly CB

Heidi Olson 15 Apr 2008

I love this piece Gavin. It's very true. Medication can mask things and maybe even make you not so depressed about them, but the fact is...one has to deal with things looking forward..and medicine has not yet come up with a way to altar reality. Nicely said, and done!

Meena Kurup 15 Apr 2008

i am promoting u in my facebook accnt gavin.