• Joan Stohlman
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  • Image 145 of 269
  • Added 08 Apr 2008
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Royol Gorge 2

This is a photograph of Royal Gorge, taken from the wooden walk span in Colorado. Both cars and foot traffic are allowed going across the bridge and once you reach the other side there is a refreshment stand and a souveneer shop. The day we made our trip, it was colder than we expected and we bought some really nice but overpriced sweatshirts.


Anonymous Guest

John Cappello 05 Jun 2014

Mesmerizing & Amazing too! You're Right ON! With Such a Peaceful Feeling !

Artist Reply: Thank you very much, John. Royal Gorge is really a great place to visit if you are ever in Colorado.

Warren Ballard 09 Apr 2008

Great shot Joan! Did you visit anyone in Colorado?

Artist Reply: Thanks, Warren. The first time we went to Colorado was to visit Jerry Jr. when he was stationed at Fort Carson, and the second time, we attended a convention in Denver, then stopped in Parker to visit Charlotte and Guy, then went on to Colorado Springs. We were there two separate times to visit Jerry Jr., and did a lot of site seeing and picture taking each time. I love it out there.

jamie winter 09 Apr 2008

such a magnificiant shot Joan. awesome. thanks for the info on it. wow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Artist Reply: Thank you, Jamie. The scenery in Colorado is just stunning.

Lili Segal 08 Apr 2008

Wonderful landscape shot, Joan! Thanks for the background info!

Artist Reply: Thank you, Lili. And you are welcome. We made two trips accross that bridge, one each time we visited Colorado. The summer visit was much warmer and more comfortable than the March one. lol,It was during the March one that we needed warmer clothes. lol. The posts on either side of the bridge has the names of all of the states, and we took pictures next to our state, Michigan.