This little piece (21x30cm) was a study for a bigger and complete one, with not only one fox, but two, actually...the big one has't a photograph yet, and I like the study, so I submit it waiting for the original. In this one the fox muzzle is too long, and make her looks as a red fox. Sorry, the big one is correct. I hope I will be able to submit it the next mount! :(
Tammy Kuenzli 12 Jun 2008
wonderful concept and rendering of a gorgeous snow wolf mesmerized by the northern lights... yummi :)Joanna Jungjohann 11 Jun 2008
Susanna, utterly lovely creature and essence very beautiful work, jo!!~Maureen Blakeley 22 May 2008
Outstanding!jamie winter 02 Apr 2008
awesome work Susanna