• Lisa Weber
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  • Added 16 Jan 2008
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The Lost Realm of Sandovichelia

There in my dream it was again, a place unknown, a world so different than my own. Yet a sence of belonging. I could fly through the land or walk upon its lands, but never were there any other beings, only small glimpses, shadowy figures i would catch out of the corner of my eye. A feeling of wellness, safety, peace always coursed my veins as i landed here and touched the walls of the tall marbled sands. Such detail, yet so fragile as if it left traces of my prints within iit. Hiigh in the sky fowl flew as if it was their home, unengaged by my presence. The boats were adrift and moving in slow motion, appearing unmanned, yet i could catch glimpses of figures. I wondered could they see me? Was i caught between planes of exsistance?, or trapped by a gap of time and space? But before i could figure out these answers id awake and the place would linger only in my subconious till the next time when i could return to.....The Lost Realm of Sandovichelia. ©2007 Lisa C. Weber

1 Comment

Anonymous Guest

Lawrence Hickman 17 Jan 2008

amazing spectacular fantasticlly done great job