• L.A. Spilsbury
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  • Image 54 of 77
  • Added 15 Nov 2007
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Queen of Cups

from my mixed media artwork. Copyright © L.A. Spilsbury

5 of 8 Comments Show All 8 Comments

Anonymous Guest

cramer 30 Jun 2008

i like how u make the arms out streched in some of these....has a powerful effect on design

cramer 30 Jun 2008

i like how u make the arms out streched in some of these....has a powerful effect on design

Olga Zverlina 23 Dec 2007

Beautiful! I love this.

Daniel May 22 Dec 2007

excellent mixture of color and mediums

Leah Jaarveth 15 Nov 2007

very well done...bravo!!

Artist Reply: thanks alot for taking the time to check out my work. I love hearing when others enjoy my work