• JMichael Piper
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  • Added 31 Oct 2007
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The Curse of Halloween Cove

The Curse of Halloween Cove The Covered Bridge There was only one way to get to town. Walking or riding, there was only one road that crossed the river. The river wasn't bad, even though the water got a bit high and rough when the heavy rains came in early spring or late fall. The road wasn't bad, even though it got narrow in parts and twisted back and forth through the hills, sometimes in such a blind turn that Carol was sure her Mom or Dad would smash into something before they got through the turn. But there was rarely anything on the road in the other direction, and they never met another car on the tight curves. No, Carol didn't mind the road that much. But there was something about the bridge, the old wooden covered bridge that swallowed up the car and bathed it with shadows. There was something Carol hated. "That bridge gives me the creeps," she said to her friend Jackie one evening as they sat on Carol's porch. "That's not creepy," Jackie said. "It is to me," Carol said. Jackie shook her head. "I'll tell you what's creepy. Marigots. Those are creepy." She shivered. "What's that?" "My grandma told me about them. She said they come out once every fifty years, if the conditions are right. They only come out for an hour. They're like fat earthworms. But they eat meat. They have teeth. She said they're about due to come back." "That's crazy," Carol said, feeling a slight shiver run down her shoulders and along her arms. She didn't want to hear any more about such nonsense. Even made up stuff could be spooky after the sun went down. "It's true." Jackie jumped up and pointed toward the yard. Her eyes opened wide. Her mouth moved for a moment, but no sound came out. Finally, the scream broke free. "THERE'S ONE!" Carol leaped from her seat and pressed her back against the wall next to the front door. "Where?" "Got you." Jackie started laughing. "Jackie! That's not nice." Carol tried to relax, but she could feel her heart slamming in her chest. "Sorry," Jackie said. "I couldn't resist. You should have seen your face. Come on. I've got to go. Walk me part way." "Just as far as the bridge," Carol said. "Not across?" "Nope." Jackie shrugged and got up. Carol followed her down the road to the bridge. Twice, Jackie stopped and shouted, "THERE'S ONE!" Both times, Carol jumped. Both times, Jackie giggled. "Well," Jackie asked when they reached the bridge. "You going to walk me any farther?" Carol shook her head. Going across was bad enough. But if she went over the bridge with Jackie, that meant she'd have to go back across on the way home -- by herself. Jackie sprinted ahead to the middle of the bridge. She was nearly lost in the shadows. All Carol could see was a vague form. "Look, nothing scary. Come on. Just walk a few steps with me. You'll be glad you did." Carol took a deep breath. If she walked just a little way with Jackie, she'd be able to keep her in sight when she went back to her own side. "Stay right there," she said, hating how timid she sounded. She stepped onto the bridge. The wood, built to take the weight of cars and trucks, didn't creak in protest over this light load. "Jackie? You there?" The form didn't seem to be getting any closer. Carol walked, bracing herself, expecting Jackie to jump at her and shout Boo! any moment. "Jackie?" she called again. There was no answer. Carol froze, unsure whether to go ahead and search for Jackie or to run back. She took another step, and another. Finally, ahead, she saw dim light. The night, dark but brighter than the inside of the bridge, revealed Jackie standing on the ground ahead. Carol ran forward, pausing at the very edge of the bridge. She was too angry with Carol to join her on the ground. "You didn't wait for me." "Hey. I did you a favor. You made it. Now you know there's nothing to be scared of." Carol started to answer. But something caught her eye. On the ground, all around Jackie, small mounds of dirt were pushing up. At first, Carol thought it was a trick of the shadows. She realized it was no trick when she saw hundreds of slimy, wriggling creatures bursting from the holes. Even in the dark, their teeth gleamed bright. "Jackie! Look out!" Carol screamed, reaching out her hand toward her friend. "Hurry!" "Yeah. Ha, ha. You got me," Jackie said, taking a step away from the bridge. That were the last words she ever spoke. Carol stared in horror as the marigots swarmed over Jackie, dragging her down. She froze, terrified, unable to turn away from the sight, unable to run. It wasn't until well after the marigots returned to the ground that Carol's brain began to function again. I'm alive, she realized. That was her first thought. Her second thought brought a strange smile to her lips. There was a reason why she had survived. The marigots had something in common with her. They, too, must have been afraid of the bridge. Carol turned. She still had to cross the bridge to get back home. It was scary, but she knew she could live with it. ____________________ I hope you enjoyed that one! Take care and have a safe and Happy Halloween! Johnny M. *GO CHECK OUT MY NEW ARTWORK AND MY COOL ANIMATIONS! *ARTIMATIONS.COM - ENJOY MY 2X AWARD WINNING WEBSITE! -Check out Artimations.com: http://www.artimations.com/ *Check it out, don't check it out.....but check it out~ J.M.Piper © 2003 - 2007, Artimations.com All Rights Reserved

1 Comment

Anonymous Guest

annette steens 01 Nov 2007

happy halloween to you too! great image and story Johnny!

Artist Reply: *Hi Annette! Thanks so much for the comment! I hope you had a wonderful halloween too!