• Bubba Merritt
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  • Image 5 of 51
  • Added 25 Jun 2007
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Prin Sword 3D

A 3D render of prins sword she uses in her Eternal form, I've been wanting to do her sword in 3d since I finished Mutai's sword.... There are a few differences between the original design and the 3D model due to lack of foresight on my part--I kinda did this more to understand and decide how i wanted Prins sword to look.... I wound up redesigning parts of it while modeling it, not sure if I'll keep the changes or not, you can see what I mean in the lower left corner, the hilt was supposed to be sleeker and the "feathers" higher up, etc etc... :P and most sad of all, I realize now just how few pics I've drawn of Prin actually HOLDING her sword.... Most of the pics I DO have are ages old >.< the chibi pic I used for the background was the best one I could dig up.... :P I also lost the main colored pic of her sword, so I had to totally redo the color scheme for it.... meh.

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