• Lohith N Kesarmadu
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  • Image 21 of 23
  • Added 28 Nov 2006
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Some memmories unforgotten - then, now , later

Remembrances of the past, the quarrelling present and the mysterious future is all that this painting refers. By comparing oneself to the tree in the painting one can actually relate his life to the events he had experienced, i.e. his past; he could see his still standing present and his strong future. God has always blessed everyone with a least of something, which could bring happiness and satisfaction. This could be different when compared to different people in different ways relating to there need and wants. That could relate to the future. As the past is considered every person had gained and lost love and relations. The best times were from ones past or could be the worst times for some one else, some would love to remember it and some, dont. But any how the past always has a point to make. And so comes the present which is always there whether we like it or not. The truth is as we all know, what comes to us, good or bad, we welcomingly adapt it. As I thought colors wouldnt necessarily make a statement in the painting, so I used only grey, black and white.


Anonymous Guest

Anonymous Guest 07 Apr 2007

Great work Ghode!!! .... Vinay.

Artist Reply: Glad to see you here brother, sow your pro in your company's website. Very intresting. Good working dude, but get some time shall meet up.

Anonymous Guest 01 Dec 2006

lohit... this bark depicts a life we all lead... to twir them all together is beautiful.. but regretting over yesterday and fear of tomorrow are two thieves that steal our today!