• seth rose
  • View Portfolio
  • Image 14 of 117
  • Added 03 Nov 2006
  • 1 Favorite
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Requiem of agony

well aparently my membership is up at the end of the month im not too sure weather to renew i have been here for years and been watching this site go to s#$t im very disapointed deviant art has been nothing but helpfull to me there is no censorship (this painting will gone tommorow ill bet) ect here it is just not the way i wish my art to be shown sad as it is it will be a dission over the next couple of weeks one that i dont want to make but feel it has been made for me we will see at the very least i will leave the free account up for but it will be hard to fork out money with the treatment i have been given (from the staff the people here have allways been great and is deffinatly what is making it a hard dission

5 of 8 Comments Show All 8 Comments

Anonymous Guest

Michael Easter 25 Aug 2009

AWESOME !!!I just voted this pic of the day!

Francisco Capelo 02 Mar 2007

My friend Seth Rose, you are an absolute GENIUS. This image is fantastic.

John Enright 06 Nov 2006

why leave? your work is appreciated, you can post your nudes at Deviant, the membership is cheaper than a single dinner out. Whats the deal? I will be pissed is you leave...your work has inspired me a great deal. Now I will have to find it all at Deviant.

Artist Reply: well i think i will be staying wrote that after they took down an image the night before drives me up the wall to be censored when there is so many ways to go about having nudity on a art site i mean are gallerys 18+ nope maybe some but not to many wouldnt let a child come and see the world of art nor stop creativity to avoid having a child see a nipple there full out intercourse on tv now and thats alloud because they have a sign that says 18+ in the corner problem solved but aw is just stuck in there ways personally they shouldnt have gotten in to the art bussiness if there this closedminded oh well not too fret everyone your words have swayed me in to staying dont know how im coming up with cash for a membership right now tho lol ill figure it out

Jennifer Sweeten 05 Nov 2006

You are an awesome artist and I will be sad not to be able to see your art if you go from here!

Laura Smith 04 Nov 2006

Ouch... Excellent image. Aptly titled. Very nice and perfectly tasteful.