• Gregory Edwards
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  • Added 13 Oct 2006
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Amino Means

AMNIO MEANS Though I did not traditionally graduate, I enveloped my academic base very thoroughly through a horizontal-like amino apprise. This wide eye lifted grounding though transient may last be en-seen with complimentary majors: communications, sociology, psychology and art--was worth every effort slayed in themes. The events that led to my defaulted status here now has roots relevant to capitalism guised in pseudo-democratic dysfunction flabbergasted by a growing number of Americans characterized as given in to 'learned helplessness' syntrom. As we are in nature we too are Seeking every path of least resistance. Innovation has led many to a fate far from any common realizaton of destiny. As I struggled through a mirrage of multifactoral distractions, I felt it permissible to not resist resistance. To pronounce my lesson I called the mode Continous Trying, the Lesson Name: submitting to chaos. I found everything to be perfectly relevant in those waking bumps to a making of months--guised as one bumpy road. ...just one more, then another... Then unforseen, I realized a new lesson: To accept acceptance. The strength for such non-traditional change came from a previous lesson illumining a darkness not shining into the light. That gave me the confidence to believe that being in a natural accepting flow was an act of trust in a higher ground where eyes do see. Before, 90% of my lifetime had met self created resistance, struggle. Three years ago my wife opened to Remote Vision and we were in awe lifted through the great depth in her seeing revelations. We were envisioning prosperity as many outstanding opportunities manifested in relevence to Art Exposure in SoHo, New York, followed by more challenge change and creativity. My >me< wanted egoic gain as if that would foster affluence and security. By all outer standards I created the opposite and as I lost things best unclung I focused on another lesson: >Respect the void!< Even letting some sentences go unfinished in conversation creates opportunities that release the need to create logical non-sense. I would release a now time 'tip of the tongue' thought lost to say a want at any time. I would forget the natue of the thought communicated and whole heartedly release. After all much of what we say the other intuits or already knows, or not fully born of now, may be thinking of what to say instead of listening and receiving guidance in 360 degrees.. Such is our world veiled of illusion that only a misled phonic could translate, scattered about a section at a time. A process and event resonates within the retrospect merge such to not not be. Without forcing my ego drive upon Nature's Abundant Flow, and Not Forge a disenheartened path, I awaken only now to gain in being. Truely a well incubated macro-thought would mathematically fulfill a Perfectly Enhansed micro-thought set free to rise above--through every path of least resistance as ancient, as at one. Not turning back, and by god I am more keenly aware of "Dialogue Among Nations" International art theme. Today, now, I better see the mechanics of nature in absolute precision and with full will set to respond as our psyche sets, for better or for worse, for minor mirrages, for collectives and colledges. PayPal, I am a 49 year old American with much potential beyond the loss of responsible means. I too had slept with Learned Helplessness. Now the moment is my best and favorite refuge and security. My best days are, regardless of ones where focus is or isn't. >Respecting the void< of an unknown is setting it silent seeing sown left to be grown as a life 7x70 coming into >We< backing greator grown grounds once trusted to be known now. My best resolve is in the current ever in abundance. To awaken in a world without end IS amen amen. We are in a new day dawning and the new currency-like mesmerism to bring in the merchant realism Ringing as a neo-non-unrusting with in a land of non-metals given to rusting till thinking ray was is combusting. May be like an undusted dream still shining in full se we lifted. Better close>>with the spoke bones: PayPal I do not have a functional electronic means to engage in the last panic pangs of the usd dead letter perpetuation, felled in felony tagging da drama. It is everyones fault or no ones. We all play our best hands with all the information at hand in every land. The illusion of chaos resists debunking because most cling to all things forged in egoic forte. Tradition is a was, just because...just never ask me why. New innovative paths will most likely promote harmony if there is no law above our rights. We the people are the Forth party and we the forth Parth have been a 'silent majority' awakening. Yes we are coming into being, like a first and a last. On an all-inclusive platform based on the base as in-groupers where generousity enjoys a best liberty to seek meaning in waking dream beginning. As the collective calm calling Coming Forth Now in Unpresidented mass. There is no want there is no need there is no nothing bar a common trait endogenous to all on this Sun's Third Rock: Sharing the Truth of Self with Appreciable Otherness as the Most High esteemed in escaping lonileness is AS a meaningful path to meaning. The proof is revealed i sharing to escape lonliness. I site Sarah Donehue in concept. Your best destiny is already concerted, undenigning! Will we now hear seeing and so in the noons being say kind of you and you too TO BE YOU and for that I want to thank you but only now and hear anew just a few like you too. Shame is felled and NOW shines not, setting free omni-we untouched getting out of all wish want and why waze...as the Heavens amaze, that is if you have enough darkness to awaken this higher seeing. The best darkness characteristic in this utility may be in its ability to set the stage in everyones dark night as well as many stretching together in a collective climax of the soul transition tripper. My attempt to answer your e-mail now is: perhaps lets lower the bar on functional currency. Plastic money isn't the root of all loss but it would be nice if plastic money were revealled as ever-misdealed, as the loss and losses of sharing honor unskilled--all the while asking what if UNarmed Masks were with acceptance honesty and respect... Sown to be known in a likeness well awakened like a could would drink deeper in sleeping seeing key cell keepers. The mind like a calculator yet above the constraints of tinker toy time is best and like-guided only best and by God natural as a best friend once trusted. Many recap calls are saying so how much we ever knew of nature knowing and ever-always singing the Kindest Songs to Our Destiny, ever-unique and ever-centered as the last stone turning, the first stone--found within...as the one becomes the many the many one...Loosened in Love like light in the love and the Image As known clearly shifted and resonate lifted from another brother other Image oF.. To close I am sure you will make your best choice in designing a light workers answer since i am confounded to pay through a pal. In closing Best Regards, Gregory Steven Edwards http://www.artwanted.com/catazone


Anonymous Guest

Nelly van Nieuwenhuijzen 13 Oct 2006

glorious and brilliant work!!!

Loredana 13 Oct 2006


Olga van Dijk 13 Oct 2006

That's a very long story..... Like the art though!

Emily Reed 13 Oct 2006

A really marvelous work! Just great!