• Deborah Martin
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  • Image 5 of 98
  • Added 20 Aug 2006
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Carousel measures 29 x 22 inches.There are 5 ladies and 1 mermaid in this Artwork.... Can you see them all?

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David Holcombe 17 Sep 2006

This does have a carousel (and carnival) feel to it. The pinwheel forms a center from which everything turns around. On little unobtrusive figure gives a human touch and makes the rest look like daydreams. Very warm.

bianca 17 Sep 2006

nice work Deborah....and good to see u here...

Ana Berry 16 Sep 2006

Love the flow man the flow!

Nikolay Pavlushko 15 Sep 2006

Beautiful work.. Well done.

Angel Estevez 14 Sep 2006

Wonderful style ! Its work demonstrates to excellent artistic quality and one refined technique. Congratulations !